For the temporary relief of minor chest congestion and cough due to mucus build up. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide by Heel.
Each tablet contains: Antimonium tartaricum 5X (dry cough with mucus secretion, excited by eating), Belladonna 6X (voice husky; dry cough; violent cough in sleep; barking cough), Bryonia alba 6X (cough when entering a warm room; dry coughs as if from stomach; intense stitches in chest), Hepatica triloba 6X (bronchitis; phlegm is sticky), Hyoscyamus niger 5X (dry, spasmodic cough at night, worse on lying down; much mucus), Ipecacuanha 6X (cough causing inclination to vomit, without nausea), Kreosotum 6X (secretions with bad odor; itching; smoker's cough), Lobelia inflata 4X (bronchial asthma; pressure in chest made better by rapid walking; dyspnea), Pertussinum 30X (all types of coughs, especially spasmodic coughs), Sticta pulmonaria 5X (dry, racking cough; mucous membranes dry), Inactive ingredients: Lactose, Magnesium stearate.
Adults and children above 6 years: 1 tablet sublingually or dissolved completely in mouth 3 times daily or as directed by a physician. Infants and children to 6 years: 1/2 the adult dosage.
If symptoms persist or worsen, a health care professional should be consulted. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health care professional before using this product. Store tightly closed at room temperature. Protect from light. Keep this and all medicines from the reach of children.
UPC: "787647100088"

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